
We all face complicated, different issues and problems and will have different specific needs. There may be “labels” for various circumstances, but it is key to understand that your circumstances are actually unique. Every effort will be made to ensure you are heard and understood.

People therefore need different approaches at different times.

Experience one-to-one based sessions, using a collaborative, empathetic and non-judgemental style. Identify what you really want from therapy, and then I assist and empower you in exploring how you might identify solutions to help you achieve it.

The Integrative approach draws on several different styles and methods rather than one approach fits all. This means that your therapy will be personalised to fit your specific situation and needs, using varied approaches drawing on Psychodynamics, Person Centered, CBT, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis and other Humanistic Approaches, as well as Jungian Psychoanalysis and Motivational Approaches.

These approaches are often successful in dealing with stress, anxiety, self-esteem, self-defeating behaviours/ habits, grief and loss and many other presenting issues.

It is important that you know and realise that the process is not designed to “try and fix you”, nor will it directly tell you what you should do to solve your problems. Instead we will work together, we will explore, discover and understand what are the best ways forward that will allow you to decide what is needed and to find appropriate personal coping strategies and solutions, based on your specific and unique needs.

You can imagine that it may take several sessions to do this thoroughly and effectively. It takes time and cannot be rushed and the process can be emotional, liberating and rewarding but it takes commitment and honesty.

Often clients have told me that they wished they had not waited so long and put off going to Counselling as it had changed their lives in such a constructive and positive way.

It is never too late to make changes. You do not need to suffer in silence.

Begin the journey of positive change. Begin it now.

Contact me for more information
